This is about my favorite rock n roll song and one of the best to make love to. It's a sex manual that instructs to start off relaxed and easy and builds to a powerful climax at song end. Unfortunately,"Fool for the City" is about the only other one that rocks me.
But I think this is true for most great rock bands. Take Lead Zepalin. I was given their compilation album and was disappointed to find that I could list my favorites on one hand. But still, they are my favorite rock band.
Or Rush. They started off with "Working Man" and "Closer to the Heart". These two songs cover from one end to the other of the rock genre and were looking to replace Led Zeplin for me. They could o' been somebody! But their drummer began writing for them and they fell off the tracks. Like I say, you can count on one hand with a couple of fingers to spare the best songs of even the best bands.